Ep 70: 5 skills to work on before your child starts school

Guest: Dr. Cindy Hovington, Ph.D.


Today's episode is a solo episode with Cindy Hovington, Ph.D. founder of Curious Neuron. With the new school year approaching, you might be wondering if your child is ready to either start school for the first time or to return.

I walk you through 5 important skills you work on with your child (through play or conversation). These 5 skills have been suggested by research to be important for a child's academic success.

Listen to this short episode and take your notepad out!

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Cindy Hovington is the co-founder of Wondergrade, an app that helps both children and parents develop emotion regulation skills. Download the Wondergrade App HERE and follow us on Instagram here @wondergrade

Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.