Ep 35: Katherine and Christine's story: Birth Trauma

Host: Dr. Cindy Hovington, Ph.D.

Co-host: Dr. Marion Van Horn Ph.D.

Guests: Katherine and Christine

Hello, World!


In today's episode, we chat with 2 moms who experienced trauma during pregnancy and during delivery. This is a new series we are launching called "Am I the only one?". Please note that this episode might be a trigger. Katherine opens up about her emergency c-section when her epidural was no longer effective and Christine talks about her serious health issues during pregnancy that put her life at risk.

Share your experience with us in the comments below or thank our guests for helping all of us feel less alone in our parenting journey.

Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting our podcast.

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Birth trauma: in the eye of the beholder HERE