Episode 1: How children could benefit from less screen time

HOST: Cindy Hovington, Ph.D. Founder of Curious Neuron

Guests: Dr. Rebecca Kennedy (Family Physician specializing in pediatrics) and Brie-Ann (mother of a 2 1/2-year-old)



As parents, we know that our children shouldn’t watch too much TV or that we should try to minimize how often they are in front of screens, but WHY is this important and HOW can we do this?

Listen to our first podcast episode (woot woot!) below to find out how children can benefit from reduced screen time as our host, Dr. Cindy Hovington chats with a Paediatrician and a parent who completely cut out media and TV for her 2 1/2 year old (wait until you hear what happened!)

If you have any questions or you would like to suggest a topic for an upcoming podcast, click the link below to leave us a message (a question could either be answered in a podcast or in an Instagram post).

In my home, we introduced our kids to short animal videos on YouTube after the age of 2. Now, our kids are 4, 2 and 4 months and last month I introduced my 2 and 4-year-old to Mr. Dressup videos. They get to watch once a week when their baby brother sleeps. It has been great fun and nostalgic for me to watch!

In young children (around 2 years old), make sure you select media that is slow-paced and not fast-paced. Click the button below for full details on high-quality TV shows.

Thank you to edxeducation for sponsoring this episode!

Need some ideas to reduce screen time and boost play time? Click the links below!

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